Friday, December 26, 2008

smell you

I smell your fear. SS OFFICER har AND 220007. AND the car. That made me so angry I'm going to do some research on you to have my mind all refreshed and ready. So go fuck yourself.

Your days of fucking with me are almost over. Then you'll have to concentrate on the kids and then I'll expand on you. And yours.

Make it BURN ... is this one of yours?? I have to assume this is a fireman business WHAT?? ANOTHER ONE?? ALL of the comments were made on Christmas DAY AND the day after which happened to be the same day he cut in front of me on the interstate right before the lil biker came and yelled whatever he did (i have no earthly idea) probably not the best way to send a message. Cop was passing by right before then 220007. I imagine all this has to do with the paperwork to be filed. Drawing attention to the fact that you are an ABUSIVE MOTHERFUCKER everything in italics an update
AND the biker??

He should be very careful.

I've got better pics. I just snagged that from the video. Same on the biker is on. Ask him.

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