Monday, December 22, 2008

hey tome

thanks. Now there's a public record of your sending a hitman this way. YOUR number in a detective's PUBLIC RECORD PHONE.

I guess this means you are AFTER A PREVIEW??????

Because I've never seen that guy before. Because he came OUT of your house after being in there for SOME TIME. BECAUSE you are so fucking stupid. Because the first thing he did was get my attention but did not stop anyone else. Also on video.

So you have now threatened me. (oh again)

Time for a little background check.

Maybe that shot came from your house after all. There are those windows there and that dump loaded up with tenants of ill-repute you and the biker get together. Lots of paper on you now.

So, you gonna be right there and give him his stuff???

Yeah the timing and the lurking was pretty obvious.

IF you don't want a WHOLE LOT of people to PAY for you fucking with me I suggest you do as I told you. GET OFF US.


One more shenanigan and everyone's going.

Obviously you are not going to threaten me into silence. I don't care HOW MANY mean looking hitmen you send into my neighborhood.

You're a fucking punk and a wife-beater.


Keller he keeps fucking with me and ONE OF YALL is going down.

Take your pick.

NO, never mind. I will.

It's OVER MOTHERFUCKER> if you had better control over your dickheads maybe they wouldn't have shot at me.

Now, get back under wherever you came from. I am not giving you my house.


You are DONE fucking with me or someone is going to prison.

DO you understand me?

I don't care how many someones.

BACK FUCKING OFF and the next little indication I see that you have not backed fucking off of us I'm putting it up. In fact I'm going to go edit it now and get it ready. I'm just taking my voice out. Where I laugh as you close the bag over your stupid fucking head.

You know it.

I know it.

One more.

Fuck a few days.

Go fuck yourselves.

I've got it ALL on video.

Every bit of it.

You're a fucking punk.

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