Friday, December 26, 2008


quick look at mr. zettles. He's probably a biker. That biker was probably his son.

Still message lost. LMAO. Imagine being fucking stupid enough to get someone to yell things through their helmet at someone who is so used to this stuff that I didn't even TRY to hear him ....
that one was theft, forgery fraud, wife left him, he didn't even show up in court ... just lately like in july .. anyway ... his trouble started in 1989 like others. But he's one who joined the club and I'm sure the court system took it easy on the rest of his charges because THEN he will go up on the interstate and risk himself and his OWN CHILD'S LIFE to fuck around with another person and another child.

So, that's lovely.

I'll add that to the list of shit you have pulled, biker.

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