Friday, December 12, 2008

P I G 700 TPD

hey 700 you're like an around-the-clock all kindsa fun type stalker, huh?

That gave me some needed info. thank you.

I received your gift.

Tell your co-criminal Mr.Tome that if he would like his fucking name NOT mentioned that he will keep his goddamn lowlife criminal ass motherfuckers that the biker intro'd him to THE FUCK UP OFF my property.
You are already handled.


I'll be calling and I'll be contacting the judge and anyone else I can think of if even a sniff of you dirty PIGS is around me or mine again.

Incidentally, congratulate yourself. I spent a lifetime defending the police as good men and women only doing a tough job.

But then CUNTS like 878 AND PIGS like yourself came along and well, STUPID ME.

I realize there are still good men and women doing hard jobs as honest police officers.

PIGS LIKE YOU AND CUNTS LIKE HER make it a whole lot fucking harder.


Oh and go fuck yourself.

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