Monday, November 17, 2008

for the cleaner cuter people

Normally I wouldn't post to this scum blog for the random gunshot folks and my random musings something for yall.

BUT, the deal is unless things change drastically in a few hours I'm not looking for my best cocktail dress. I realize you're trying after a fashion. IF you can keep those freaks off me for a day here and there then DO IT and do it NOW and keep them off me because a. it's ineffective. b. you'll never get where you want to go with that activity. c. it just entrenches me. d. really.

So, as you KNOW I have a great deal to do and am in the middle of it whilst people get beaten to death and car-wrecked around me. No doubt if my child was on a bike he'd be run over by now. Two attempts to run him over at work. and the whole litany of stuff. Considering the firepigs can see his job from their building ... nah they would never send their gangy friends to do that. of course not. No, I don't MISS these or anything. He just collects the info and we carry on with our lives like we're going to do no matter WHAT you do. It would be better if you'd get that.

Anyway, there's a couple of things that will have to happen before we have some big 'accidental meeting' anyway and NO I'm not enjoying this but while you need me I"m going to get my belongings BACK I do not give a FUCK who has them. Get them back to me.

Also, I will NOT be spending the one day I really feel good doing something that does NOT make me feel good.

We can do this and one day I'm probably coming in for a landing but it's not going to be all your way.

I know exactly where I stand and we're standing there. You can do all this peripheral whoring out and pretend you have no idea and I'll overlook all that but ... I'm telling you ... crawl up out of bed with those people. They're missing some chinks in the wall. Some people should never have kids.

All this could have been done through simple conversation instead of using your trained fucking hamsters to run the wheels of amusement for me.

It's so stupid. Sometimes it's funny like the badcock AND MORE.

And, there's the whole problem with my wingman.

You know... you arrange the schedule for him .... wassup wid dat?

so ... I don't make up many excuses. I point out to you where you could have just stopped fucking meddling and kept those people up off me and lalaallallalalalalalla.

Or I could just hold on, call out my dogs and get millions.

You know it.

I know it.

I'm never going to ever worry in my life again. Not that I've done much worrying. But there will be no stress in my life ever again.

Thanks to those pigs who should be in prison I've taken way more than should have been done to ANYONE.

Taking a perfectly cool person and turning them into something you need to fear so you can take them out. That's SICK. You're fucking sick people. Ooops the message is getting mixed. *cleaner cuter people all of this mex is NOT for you.... sorry

However, through all of this: I ain't proven to be the rat you tried to make me out to be, huh? Cause I don't really care what other people do but you wanna come leaping around in my yard and watching me. Get what you were after. Not exactly. LMAO.
Maybe you should just go back to scary school.

Or learn not to fuck with the hill people.

Anyway ... I'll have to be feeling good, have water, you know can't do the LAUNDRY IN THIS WATER. There's all kinds of things that you are doing that FUCK UP the one thing you REALLY WANT.

Which, frankly ... you could have had two years ago. Remember??? I found that beautiful house on the ocean that WE ALL LOVED????

We were ready.


But nooooooooooooooooooooooo another florida family wanted that. Something about the crime rate? Do tell.

I notice who gets hit and who doesn't ....

yeah AND I MISS HER. You were a pig there, too.
Jesus, whether you like it or not I KNOW YOU I know you have an inside. You have covered it up with hate and greed but it's still in there.

Anyway ..... this could have all been over ....

So, the rest of this silliness ... and still f'ing with me in order to get me to cooperate.

Not only was it not necessary but you wasted a lot of time and stressed a LOT of people.

Who's zooming who?

I know you were feeling pretty smug when you stole my stuff but probably more than any other day ... you bought what people get when they key in tampa firemen. Speaking of which ... I'll be catching up with that in a minute.

Yall aren's smart enough to run no shadow government.

Were I not raised well I'd tell you what you're good for.

Anyway to the nice clean people .. .. you think about it. The situation you have created and why it's not so simple to find a frock and join you.

Put yourself in my shoes.

I'll see you at the next one if things are different.

But I toldya that last time.

So many firemen surrounding my family if they wanted to they could keep my car clean and walk my boy back and forth everywhere he goes.

And yknow ... take care of your aunt in lakeland.

mel dear, I DO hope I don't have to ummmmm talk to anyone about that. He's looking anyway so I'll know soon enough.

Anyway, firemen could carry my groceries, wax my car, stop people from being beaten to death, stay away from the bikers (LMAO)carry my friend's tools .... ummm do the blogging for us considering they're so close behind me online that someone better check what they're using their technology for.

But, they don't. My car is still tampered with other than today .... I told you last time if it's me you want to see don't think I'll jump through hoops to get there.
Take the hoops and put em back under your desk.

And a good time was had by all.

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