Wednesday, November 19, 2008

is this from YOU??

lmao you don't have to search .. you know instead of lurking just drop on by.
You've been crawling up my driveway in the dark of night for so long now you think it's a relationship.

And, of course, it is. Sendin all your stupid soldja boys and girls to see me .. muddying up the air. We gonna have us some fun today.

1 New Person Has Searched For You - 11/18/2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:51 PM
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

eva boddy gettin restless

but all that meanness beating people to death slitherin around playin games with chirrun and fucking wid the pretty people ain't gone do ya the fust bit a good.

But, I'll give you THIS: I expected to see most of you tonight and wasn't disappointed. I find it endearing that you rearrange your lives around me and mine.

Can you seeee what I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

Prolly not.

It's nice to drop the pretense but dang man yall get this place all crowded up but still have the same old bodies.

I'm the onliest one gittin any hotter.

ifn you want to change that you cuold.

or just stay home.

it's just as effective as you being here.

starring in a major motion picture soon .... NONE OF YOU.


Unless they make one of 'the walking dead-alive-smelly-stoopit-dummy-idjits' dang now I've stooped to your level again.

Smiles on you druggy restaurant dude.

Back in the day we had fun.

What the fuck happened to you?>

Yall didn't realize when you crawled in bed with the beast? You want one day I'll splain to ya how to avoid doing that.

Just smoke the dope.

Don't get all up in the thinking you gwan to be millionaires do not pass go do not collect two hundred dollars go directly to jail and no get out of jail free cards.

Those are for THAT other guy. You notice that, right???

Just checkin.

Cause you and your kids don't really look very happy.

If you're relying on ME to make you happy you all be going about it all fucked up.

But thanks for the ork-circus.

my bad

that boy HOME.

He's CUTE.

He could have DONE ANYTHING but his bad luck with family .. anyway, you better hope and pray that NO ONE I KNOW knows what he or you look or smell like or it'll be the triple county motherfuckin takedown on your ass.
Not just that. It already IS.


It pissed me off enough when you sprayed my fucking newspaper. I still have those yknow.

Not here but wellll... you'll see.

Some people you can threaten.

Some people you really should listen when they tell you: DON"T THREATENJ OR PUSH ME.

Patience: It's NOT a virtue, motherfucker.

You'll see.

you don't bring me flowers

you steal mine you don't sing me love songs you hardly talk to me anymore cause you're such a pussy

i put that chair there for you.

it's a MUCH better angle.


if you can read

roarin around and weed wackin

I laugh to think that something fitting and kinda an improvemen on the faces you've been given along with those devil hands and hearts would be for a few big ol mountain motherfuckers to hold you down and take that weedwhacker to your face. Cause you a wacky sonofabunchofbitches all right.

But, that's just corey taylor talking. Dang he's mean and we're such GENTLE SOULS.

I told you that you made a BIG BIG BIG MISTAKE murdering him. And now you've compounded that so damn bad that your ass will crawl away in slivers. Just kiddin, bikers.

I'll get you out there in spandex yet.

Used spandex.


pay attention to that vid. all the way through.....

steve labrake

now it's kinda amazing to me how he ended up in fed and lori ended up in a half million dollar home.

Now that IS amazing.

All yall doin so well except the ones going to prison.

What is UP wid dat??

Monday, November 17, 2008

for the cleaner cuter people

Normally I wouldn't post to this scum blog for the random gunshot folks and my random musings something for yall.

BUT, the deal is unless things change drastically in a few hours I'm not looking for my best cocktail dress. I realize you're trying after a fashion. IF you can keep those freaks off me for a day here and there then DO IT and do it NOW and keep them off me because a. it's ineffective. b. you'll never get where you want to go with that activity. c. it just entrenches me. d. really.

So, as you KNOW I have a great deal to do and am in the middle of it whilst people get beaten to death and car-wrecked around me. No doubt if my child was on a bike he'd be run over by now. Two attempts to run him over at work. and the whole litany of stuff. Considering the firepigs can see his job from their building ... nah they would never send their gangy friends to do that. of course not. No, I don't MISS these or anything. He just collects the info and we carry on with our lives like we're going to do no matter WHAT you do. It would be better if you'd get that.

Anyway, there's a couple of things that will have to happen before we have some big 'accidental meeting' anyway and NO I'm not enjoying this but while you need me I"m going to get my belongings BACK I do not give a FUCK who has them. Get them back to me.

Also, I will NOT be spending the one day I really feel good doing something that does NOT make me feel good.

We can do this and one day I'm probably coming in for a landing but it's not going to be all your way.

I know exactly where I stand and we're standing there. You can do all this peripheral whoring out and pretend you have no idea and I'll overlook all that but ... I'm telling you ... crawl up out of bed with those people. They're missing some chinks in the wall. Some people should never have kids.

All this could have been done through simple conversation instead of using your trained fucking hamsters to run the wheels of amusement for me.

It's so stupid. Sometimes it's funny like the badcock AND MORE.

And, there's the whole problem with my wingman.

You know... you arrange the schedule for him .... wassup wid dat?

so ... I don't make up many excuses. I point out to you where you could have just stopped fucking meddling and kept those people up off me and lalaallallalalalalalla.

Or I could just hold on, call out my dogs and get millions.

You know it.

I know it.

I'm never going to ever worry in my life again. Not that I've done much worrying. But there will be no stress in my life ever again.

Thanks to those pigs who should be in prison I've taken way more than should have been done to ANYONE.

Taking a perfectly cool person and turning them into something you need to fear so you can take them out. That's SICK. You're fucking sick people. Ooops the message is getting mixed. *cleaner cuter people all of this mex is NOT for you.... sorry

However, through all of this: I ain't proven to be the rat you tried to make me out to be, huh? Cause I don't really care what other people do but you wanna come leaping around in my yard and watching me. Get what you were after. Not exactly. LMAO.
Maybe you should just go back to scary school.

Or learn not to fuck with the hill people.

Anyway ... I'll have to be feeling good, have water, you know can't do the LAUNDRY IN THIS WATER. There's all kinds of things that you are doing that FUCK UP the one thing you REALLY WANT.

Which, frankly ... you could have had two years ago. Remember??? I found that beautiful house on the ocean that WE ALL LOVED????

We were ready.


But nooooooooooooooooooooooo another florida family wanted that. Something about the crime rate? Do tell.

I notice who gets hit and who doesn't ....

yeah AND I MISS HER. You were a pig there, too.
Jesus, whether you like it or not I KNOW YOU I know you have an inside. You have covered it up with hate and greed but it's still in there.

Anyway ..... this could have all been over ....

So, the rest of this silliness ... and still f'ing with me in order to get me to cooperate.

Not only was it not necessary but you wasted a lot of time and stressed a LOT of people.

Who's zooming who?

I know you were feeling pretty smug when you stole my stuff but probably more than any other day ... you bought what people get when they key in tampa firemen. Speaking of which ... I'll be catching up with that in a minute.

Yall aren's smart enough to run no shadow government.

Were I not raised well I'd tell you what you're good for.

Anyway to the nice clean people .. .. you think about it. The situation you have created and why it's not so simple to find a frock and join you.

Put yourself in my shoes.

I'll see you at the next one if things are different.

But I toldya that last time.

So many firemen surrounding my family if they wanted to they could keep my car clean and walk my boy back and forth everywhere he goes.

And yknow ... take care of your aunt in lakeland.

mel dear, I DO hope I don't have to ummmmm talk to anyone about that. He's looking anyway so I'll know soon enough.

Anyway, firemen could carry my groceries, wax my car, stop people from being beaten to death, stay away from the bikers (LMAO)carry my friend's tools .... ummm do the blogging for us considering they're so close behind me online that someone better check what they're using their technology for.

But, they don't. My car is still tampered with other than today .... I told you last time if it's me you want to see don't think I'll jump through hoops to get there.
Take the hoops and put em back under your desk.

And a good time was had by all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


just for the record I keep forgetting to tellya. While I'm highly amused and all I don't ummm believe in breast cancer.

Further are you really so FUCKING STUPID to believe that I would actually allow a crackpot doctor in this one cow town to diagnose me with ANYTHING???

WOW, your stupidity and bad plans fucking ASTOUND ME.

but whatever.

carry on.

for hte record

it didn't have to be tihs way.

We're perfectly reasonable people who see no reason to succumb to threats and evil.

Fuck that.

You shoulda brought your ass over and stated your case.

Instead you sent the slobs.


I'll send my slobs too.


I don't have slobs. Don't need em.

My friends have slobs.


I told you not to push and threaten me ... to leave me alone for ninety days but NOOOOOOOO you had to do it your way .. I guess to what? Teach me a lesson? Show me who's in charge? Make me awe struck? Yeah fuck all that ..

How's that working out for you and the rest of your idiots??
They so fucking funny I lough just looking at them.

Such a fan club I've always had.

go fuck yourself.


P U S S Y.

enjoying the repartee

listen I DID once speak to that idiot you had patrolling the hood. I take it from the air you're down for the whole deal.

Goodie. Let me just tell you what I got (not all what I got I'm not stupid like the cunts you hang wid) BUT what I got is a piece of paper leading YOU directly back to the ill-fated attempt to purchase my home. And the rest of the activity since then ...... well, certainly with the current MURDER situation from YOUR tenants and the tampa murder medics I think that RICO is not even good enough for you.

And so you carry on, big boy.

Real manly.

Sure and I watched you flail for over five years now trying in vain to get my attention.

I should assure you: You don't want it.

But now you have it.

Enjoy it.

You and the bikers: The bikers are actually a little smarter.

I get the feeling they wouldn't murder someone out in the street in front of their house.

Nah, they're much sneakier.

Not necessarily smarter giving it more thought.

Dude it was not really a problem I had with you that I couldn't handle but when I saw your kid is doing prison time for you ... man, that was like your slide into insignificance.

SO, you can fuck off. AND, you will bring a lot of people down with you.

And, I should mention that along with that pesky piece of paper that lots of the video I have sent away for safe keeping is of YOUR and the fatman's soldja boys.

So fuck off.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

wait for it ................ it won't be long now

Today was one of your lucky days ... but ... I can't guarantee another ..... LMAO
"They're throwing bottles at your house. Come on. Let's go break their arms"
Bottles won't stop no train, baby.
Come on what kind of person can have ANY respect for people who let THEIR CHILDREN go serve their prison sentences?????????

Between that and the mountain boys riding to kick your ass back to lutz and points beyond I think you better pack your ass and your goddamn gangsters up outta here.
Letting someone die in the street really tied yall together better than I ever could have done.

Murdering motherfucking pigs.
And the fucking cunts on the porch.
fuck you and fuck them.
You'll be buying me tires from fucking fed. And anything else I like.

Stick that plastic vroom vroom up yuor ass.

Friday, November 14, 2008

you're just going to keep it up

it never ceases to amaze me you're fucking bleeding from every orifice and bound to get worse here soon but you'll keep fucking with my kid.
See, this is how you get the things said that are said.
I'm trying to help you put this together in the big picture.
I know it's hard for you to fuck with me when I'm in la casa. I know you like to get me out on the interstate for your feeble, stupid attempts at showing me who is in charge.

Because, of course. YOU SO ARE.

Just what you're in charge of is still in question.

You stupid motherfuckers forget but I don't. So you know the more you push the farther I'm going to go.

It's good advice.

Take it.

Because if not, I'm going to drop smelly bags of shit on your doorstep that you'll never be able to scrape off your shoes.

And, you will then be sorry that you took all that GOP carnival money to do what you are told by your cellphone all day long.

Beating people to death in front of the firemen.

Now that was just stupid.

You can't keep those animals under control and you don't even try.

Pray tell. I don't really understand your confidence that they won't do the same to you.

I think they will.

See you in a bit.

I've got a surprise for you that I'm itching to spring, anyway.

So ... carry on.

ouch THIS is going to HURT

Active Parties - Name Search Mode
Person Id:

Party Status:
Closed - 10/21/1999
Case Number:
Case Created:
Case Status:
Closed - 10/21/1999
Case Type Description:
Court Type:

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uh oh ... you done kicked the white trash to the curb and the other white trash proceeds.

This is painful to watch.

Come on over lemme give ya a nice haircut.
Julie, how many auto dealers can one girl DO???????????????????????

I done told you girl.. leave the little boy alone or yknow what? We can go ahead and find out why you call him when he's using the potty. Why DO you do that?? I'm working on smoething for you since you and what's his name don't want to be forgotten. I'm always thinking what shit shape tampa would be in if you had succeeded. WHEW worse than NOW?? Hard to imagine ....

Results 1 - 10 of about 15 for 8139336641. (0.14 seconds)
Search Results
EPA Envirofacts Warehouse FII
REGULATORY CONTACT, JACK BARNETT, 8139336641, RCRAINFO, View. OWNER, JACK BARNETT, FDM, View. FACILITY CONTACT, JACK BARNETT, 8139336641, FDM, View - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
Tampa Nissan Car Dealers Used, New, Pre-Owned, Salvage ...
Phone: 8139336641, Fax: 8139361080. Ferman Nissan Of New Port Richey 3923 U S 19 SOUTH New Port Richey, Florida, 34652 Phone: 7278488574, Fax: 7278429622 - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
United States of America (USA) [Hillsborough] Pin - 33612-3415 Phone - 8139336641 Fax - 8139325216 Email - ....e@ferma....., URL: - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
Automobile Dealers - New Ferman Nissan Inc
Phone: 8139336641, Fax: 8139325216. 302 W Fletcher Ave Florida 33612-3415 United States. Also listed in: Automobile » Dealers - New - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
Handler Search Results
FLD981858301, Bay Nissan, Hillsborough, 11111 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL 33612, Jack Barnett 8139336641, CLO, 6/7/2005, A M D E - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
Florida Hazardous Waste Handler Search Results
FLD984206631, Ferman Nissan of North Tampa, Hillsborough, 302 W Fletcher Ave Tampa, FL 33612, Eric Green 8139336641, CLO, 6/9/2008, A M D E - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
Free Business profile for FERMAN NISSAN OF N TAMPA at 302 W FLETCHER AVE, TAMPA, FL, 33612, US. FERMAN NISSAN OF N TAMPA specializes in: Motor Vehicle - 40k - Cached - Similar pages
Nissan Car Dealer Ratings Cars Dealers Reviews Car Sellers Review ...
FERMAN NISSAN INC. Address: 302 W FLETCHER AVE - TAMPA,. Phone: 8139336641 Fax: 8139325216. Rating Review: No Comments.. Total Car Dealer Rating: 7.18 - 697k - Cached - Similar pages
Used Car & Truck Exchange - Car Dealers in Tampa, Florida
Phone: 8139336641, Fax: 8139361080. Ferman Suzuki 11025 N Florida Ave Tampa, Florida, 33612 Phone: 8139316010, Fax: Gordon Chevrolet 16414 N Dale Mabry Hwy - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
Nissan Pickup N' Parts Exchange - Tampa Car Dealers selling Nissan ...
Phone: 7275073200, Fax: 7275073293, Ferman Nissan Of North Tampa 302 W Fletcher Ave Tampa, Florida, 33612 Phone: 8139336641, Fax: 8139361080 - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

Thursday, November 13, 2008

yeah that's what i figured

Oh I want to clarify. I always had fond memories of mel. None of the language here is directed towards him. Perhaps he lost his way. Perhaps there is hope for him. An old man's memories won't be boosted by what he's doing with his life.

um mel. listen. I hope you make sure that MY particular family and loved ones, since you all have made it your business to know so much about them and your aunt in lakeland .... anyway I hope that you wear yourself to a frazzle bodyguarding not just the ))) but MY FAMILY.
Because NOW anything that happens you know where it lands, right?

Cause thor?? He ain't got shit I want.

You neither.

So ... walk fucking away and keep your eyes on me and everything I've even liked.

Don't YOU DARE threaten me or anyone in my family again.


You know it.

Now, I've not raised a word against any of you people. YOu know why?? I'm NOT A SNITCH.

But I can see where my being reluctant to stop your sick train is allowing a lot of people to get hurt.

And, I can't even give an opinion on a woman who would whore out her daughter and drag her dead child into it.

So, I think that must be YOUR doing.

What on earth could you give a fourteen year old girl that would inspire that type of behavior????????????????????????????????????

I'll have to find out.

I'm not a stupid person you murdering, thirving swine.

Given all that maybe someone should ummmmm let someone smarter take over.

All the smart people send the stupid people out.

And, there you have it.

Let's hope our next reunion is much nicer. So far I'm not terribly pleased.

I would advise you ignorant lowlifes to take my advice.

You really fucked up last night, huh?

The houses go right down the street in a row. There'll be some hard looks at that now.

F U C K Y O U.

You think I DO NOT KNOW what he did?????

Do you really thin that was just going to slip by???

BTW, I am going to publish here every south carolina tag I see around me. Keep an eye on them yall all that and all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Questoin for ya

not for YOU, biker.

My man knows who I'm talking to.

Listen ... you waste your time with all these friggin hookers and boofs ... faking up all this bullshit. You let these people do this stuff to my house and car.

You and I both know. There are only two things in the world that you really NEED. One is more a WANT.


W T F???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Never took you for a ..... backwards fella.

Incidentally, I've been struck by the thunderbolt and I'm sorry. It's NOT you.

It's for real this time. I'll wait til I'm 99 if I have to.


I'll still be hot.

But meantime, I appreciate the things you have done. I mean, sorta.

Some things more than others, natch.

I'm sorry I come down on your childhood ummmmm asshole buddies.

The thing is ... you musta thought they were fucking douche bags, too.

Look at em.

Anyway ... this isn't doing my weave any good.

Other than that I'm doing fine.

But what if something goes wrong and I wind up dead?

The thing is that you will NEVER NEVER know until you feel it hit you. Sometimes it just seeps in.

I'm talkin to ya. Hope you're listening.

I don't think you're quite sane but I don't necessarily hold folks to that standard.

Your looks never had anything to do with it, for the record.

It's your obvious heart. Your inner heart is some better.

You're going to look back on these years and regret them.

I love you. I do.

I always have.

I want my Grandmother's clock back.

And I want to know why he is dead.

I want you to tell me right to my face. I want the motherfucking truth from you.

Then I want you to leave me alone. It's not right.

For you, I mean. I have at least a dozen other like you. It's okay. I understand. I learned to let go at an early age.

I know exactly what's what. If I don't know it there's a reason: I don't give a fuck.

Now, I love you. I do. Give me back my Grandmather's clock and that one of a kind picture of myself and them and stop pretending that you don't have it. There are other things but that is what I want.

Dear god, it's serial=killerish. IS that all my fucking shit in your garage?????

I swear to god sometimes I laugh and sometimes I want to sit down and write a fucking scary book about you.

I'll change the names to protect the fucking guilty.

Just mail it to me. Be done with it.

And tell me why you murdered him.

Becuase the rest of this trumped up bullshit is really stressing a lot of people.

You must admit that you could keep this up forever but it's really not getting you anywhere but bored.

You can burn my house down. YOu can do whatever you want.

I'll be standing right here telling you this: Give me back my Grandmother's clock. Give me BACK MY PICTURE. ALL OF THEM. Make copies you cheap-0.

And, tell me why you murdered him.

That's all.

You and me.

I'll be naked because you are PARANOIED.

All these years.

We had some good times.

You make me really sad.

I don't have a long list of demands.

But those are three things that are non-negotiable. These other assholes got nothing I want.

BUT --- I try in ways that are .... ummmm as illuminating as possible to let you people konw ... there are ways to do this and ways to do this.

Yall need some women in your company that are NOT CUNTS.

That's some advice to live by.

They look like sluts and they act like cunts. If they're not ugly and stupid they're mean and sleezy. With a few exceptions but they're nasty hos anyway.

Alright. YOu know it's been all this time I just found something.

But, at the same time I found a gift I bought my beloved sister and never got to give her because those GODDAMN FUCK HEADS of yours KILLED HER.

NOW give me back my shit and tell me what I want to know. And I get to ask the fucking questions.
I'll verify what you say so do NOT LIE TO ME AGAIN.

You know you can't stand it when I want something and you can't give it to me.


Monday, November 10, 2008

you and YOUR big mouth

yeah that whole drama where you try to say I talk too much or I have a big mouth??

FUCK THAT> The fat cunt is a liar. Now everyone knows it. Yes, I refer to the fireman's sister. FUCK HER AND FUCK YOU for trying to set me up. THat was the same shit they pulled on him.

I repeated exactly ONE THING TO YOU. FROM YOU. Yeah. So why isn't E being fucked with then?? HE is the one who said it. FUCK YOU and your baby games.




I just ran across a memory and realized something that I never thought of before.

I meant to address this way in the past but that pasco cunt and her fat sidekick were all up in the brownies.

And you???

Falling for it OVER PUSSY?

You MUST be kidding me.

I'm disappointed.

THIS right here READING IT is the sum total of my talking.

Next time I send bikers and carnies into your home and yard to fuck with you and people YOU love feel FREE TO RUN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


if i asked that would be different but i don't .. you're wasting your time.

And whoring out your children to waste your time.

One dead and you're busy killing the next one.

wow. what? You LIKE the other one or something????

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

biker/stalker/bread/meat/empty chairs...

oh update and your son.

how long before the sweet lil innocent face is forced into this sick game??


you are one sick fucking bunch.

You should burn in fucking hell for doing that to your children.

It makes me sick to think of that lil innocent face being taught the sickness of the rest of you.

Too bad. YOu seem like smart people.

made ya a promise

i'll get to it in a minute. busy with a real life. despite your best efforts. LMAO.

Love to see you be a man. men. anything.

from memory I think the tag is j94ksq. But I'll be back soon enough.
who the hell follows someone around like a big pussy????

I know you didn't want me to see your car but .. hey, that's your problem.

Before you climb in it to stalk someone ... you should THINK ABOUT THE FACT that I've put plenty of folks' information live. What makes you special???

Lots of LOVE,

your favorite stalkee.

When I get home I'm putting you adn the lil woman and the lawnkeeper here.

nods to all of you